BBBook – a collaboration reading platform
- Kyle Liu
- June 5, 2020
In the Covid-19 era when schools and universities are shut, students are not forced to look at the screens and learn on their own. The maximum students interact is when the teacher sends a zoom invitation link for the class and even during the class most of the time it’s only the teacher who speaks and students are hidden behind the black squares. Students don’t interact with each other, there are no discussions among them and the only help they get is the internet which has a plethora of unwanted or false information. Students don’t get any in-class experience where they could learn from each other, do group studies, or even help when someone faces difficulty. There is no collaborative study and most of it has become homeschooling where students don’t get to know or challenge other’s opinions. A lot of students face difficulty in understanding key concepts, termonologies in the books, and need help from peers, teachers, TAs, or alumni.
To solve the above problem, a group of 4 motivated young individuals decided to make a platform that would help students learn, interact, and study collaboratively and BBBOOK was founded. BBBOOK is a web-based platform that will help students to read books collaboratively. They can share notes, comments on each other notes, highlight important text, attach videos, images, or even share their mind-maps, thus helping each other grow and learn.
Tech stack
Tools: Django Jquery Heroku AWS
Languages: Python HTML/CSS/JS